Preaching on the book of jonah

The king of nineveh the hebrew phrase melek nineveh king of nineveh is found in the old testament only in jonah 3. Though the book contains no direct prophecy, the experience of jonah is itself a reflection of the message of god. The book contains fascination interaction between men and god, which sasson brings out well. Seeing jesus christ in the old testament book of jonah will greatly aid us in understanding jonah and how jesus could refer to himself as, something greater than jonah matthew 12. But when jonah learned that the lord gives, and the lord takes away, he responded in anger cf. Not too long after the ministry of elijah and elisha, another prophet came onto the scene in the northern kingdom of israel during the rule of jeroboam ii 2 kings 14. Preaching workshop unpacks book of jonah southwestern. Jonah 1 jonah running from god a sermon by jeremy myers. Though jonah was a rebellious servant, god forgave him, used him, and tenderly sought to help him overcome his anger.

The book of jonah is a missionary book, teaching that the love of god embraces the whole human race, allen said. The objection would certainly be raised in our day that jonah was a very poor missionary, entirely devoid of real missionary zeal. In this sermon we will study the book of jonah and glean some general lessons from the book. Oct 29, 2016 first baptist church of glenarden, pastor john k. The book of jonah the story not so much about a big fish, but the story about a big god.

Running from god chapter 1 running to god chapter 2 running with god chapter 3 running ahead of god chapter 4. So jonah arose and went to nineveh, according to the word of the lord. Among its distinctions are the conflict it has caused in interpretation and the vastly diverse creativity of sermons preached from it. Join us as we delve into the story of one man and his journey towards surrender. The prophetic significance of this book not only lies in the short message in nineveh but also in the entire history of jonah described in his book. Jonah 3 nkjv jonah preaches at nineveh now the bible. Jonah is the book of the bible we want to look at tonight. Oct 02, 2019 this article will highlight several of the theological themes found in jonah and demonstrate why preaching this short book will be a doctrinally edifying gift to the church. How to respond when god gives you a second chance jonah 2. A teaching outline for the book of jonah expository.

Prepare your messages on gods word in jonah with sermon outlines or an entire sermon series. We call this book one of the minor prophets, yet it contains only one prophecy. Apr 04, 2020 in other words, if pagan sailors and wicked ninevites could respond with repentance to prophetic preaching, jewishhearers ought to do likewise. Find top church sermons, illustrations, and powerpoints for preaching on jonah 1. And yet the men of nineveh repented at the preaching of jonas. Like jonah, we are sometimes called to stand up for, or even preach, the gospel in uncomfortable circumstances. Now, i learnt a pneumonic for the minor prophets heaven just aint. In the first chapter of jonah we find god calling jonah to a specific task. In that prayer he finally got things right with god. God works miracles through those who obey, though often times our nature rebels against him. Outline of the book of jonah one popular outline of jonah, which could be used in a sermon series, is. Grace in the book of jonah sermon by wade allen, jonah 1. Now nineveh was an exceedingly great city, a threeday journey in extent. Apr 09, 2007 another story from the bible that many people know of is the story of jonah and the great fish.

May your response be guided by the account of this prophets failures, and may god sovereignly bless you as you deliver this book verse to verse to others. Jonah preaches at nineveh now the word of the lord came to jonah the second time, saying, arise, go to nineveh, that great city, and preach to it the message that i tell you. The old testament and all the stories therein contained, were written for people living today. Many critics however want to lower the book of jonah to an allegory, a parable or a legend because of the miracles described in it especially the appearing of the great fish devouring jonah. Some weeks ago i sensed god directing me to the book of jonah. A man by the name of jonah was called by god to go and preach in a pagan city. But jonah s successful preaching campaign had nothing to do with jonah s ability or the assyrians worthiness. Top 5 commentaries on the book of jonah ligonier ministries. We know how god wanted to send jonah to nineveh, but jonah ran from god, got swallowed by a. In this sermon, jerry gifford deals with how the book of jonah ends abruptly with a question. Pastor charles preaching series on the book of jonah visit our church website. His name was jonah son of amittai from gathhepher near. Though nineveh was a wicked city, god gave the inhabitants opportunity to be spared.

Few stories illustrate this principle more clearly than the story of jonah. The book ends with god attempting to reason with jonah and show him that he ought to shouting from the mountain for gods patience and compassion rather than pining away over selfpity. Missionaries often talk about jonah, and so we think that jonah is a book about missions. Most literature proceeds on the assumption that the author. The first thing we see in the book of jonah is jonahs disobedience.

It occurred to me this week to ask why we have this story preserved of. Jonah sermon lessons from the life of jonah proposition. Weve gone through the story in years past, but in connection with the book, i want to reiterate it one more time to you. His experience of three days and nights in the fish is a type of the experience of the son of man mt 12. The book of jonah demonstrates the sovereignty of the almighty as he employs his creation to accomplish the divine plan. Hosea, joel, amos, obadiah, jonah word biblical commentary by douglas stuart. Throughout the narrative of jonah, it is quite clear that god is an active participant in the story. During the opening session, david allen, dean of the school of theology at southwestern, stressed the importance of preaching the book of jonah because it reveals the missionary heart of god. Regardless of which path we chooseobedience or rebellion god is the god of second chances. Sep 12, 2017 exegetical notes on jonah outline of the book of jonah one popular outline of jonah, which could be used in a sermon series, is. Listen to chuck swindolls overview of jonah in his audio message from the classic series gods masterwork. And jonah began to enter the city on the first days walk. And he does tell the people of nineveh the message that god wants them to hear.

So the book of jonah is a story about missions, but not in the way that most of us think. The people did not worship god and they lived in sin. The book of jonah is more than just a delightful story for children. It occurred to me this week to ask why we have this story preserved of all the possible stories that could have been preserved. Book of jonah overview insight for living ministries. That is the point of the book of jonah in the old testament. Another story from the bible that many people know of is the story of jonah and the great fish. Jonah reminds christians of the extent to which god goes in pursuing us in our rebellion and in. Sermons on jonah first presbyterian church, jackson, mississippi. At the end of his sermon somewhere around 200 thousand ninevites repented and believed. The greatest sermon ever preached jonah 3 frank hart.

From ideas on sermon topics to how to develop church growth to insight on ministry life, preaching helps pastors develop every area of life and work in ministry. Not only does sasson go phrase by phrase through the fourchapter book of jonah, discussing the book, discussing sources, but he provides us with an excellent translation, and. The book of jonah, or more accurately, the story of jonah is so well known that we can sometimes skip over it and ignore what the true message of the book of jonah is. If you look at numbers alone, it was more effective than any tent revival, more than the apostles in the book of acts, even more than jesus himself preaching the good news. The book depicts the larger scope of gods purpose for israel. Jonah s lack of response indicates that he got the point. Running from god chapter 1 running to god chapter 2 running with god chapter 3 running ahead of god chapter 4 about jon. Best jonah commentaries updated for 2020 best bible. Jonah 3 new king james version nkjv jonah preaches at nineveh. But jonahs successful preaching campaign had nothing to do with jonahs ability or the assyrians worthiness. With this message we begin a fivepart series on the book of jonah. Jonah is commanded to go east to nineveh but flees toward the westernmost possible point 1. Why is there a book of jonah, and what should it do when you read it or preach it.

Jonah 2 jonah running into god a sermon by jeremy myers. Jonah sermon sermon outline by kevin cauley on the life of jonah and those lessons from it that are profitable for us today date written. The sign of jonah is interpreted in two ways in the new testament. The book of jonah is different from the other minor prophets, for it is the personal experience of the prophet himself. It was the winter of 2003 and i was attending dallas theological seminary working on a doctorate with an emphasis upon preaching. Preach on topics including obedience, running from the call of god, and gods propensity to forgive the unforgivable. Craig groeschel jonah messages free church resources. Jonah with book summary versebyverse bible commentary.

May 14, 2019 but when jonah learned that the lord gives, and the lord takes away, he responded in anger cf. The book is replete with irony, wherein much of its humor lies. Our sermon ideas on jonah will help you preach a powerful message on the difficult commission of god. Jonah is a great book for young preachers looking to preach a minor prophet. Many remember jonah as a book about jonah and the big fish. Like jonah, we need to respond to gods mercy in grateful obedience. The book of jonah, written primarily in the third person, does not explicitly name the prophet as the author of his own account, but we have no reason to doubt either the inspiration or the historical veracity of the book. We could almost retitle jonah evangelism and the sovereignty. Before we dive into the book, let me provide the historical setting of jonah. Jonah or jonas, in the hebrew bible tanakhold testament, is a prophet of the northern kingdom of israel in about the 8th century bce.

The book of jonah emphasizes gods grace both to nineveh and to jonah. Caught in a storm, he orders the ships crew to cast him overboard. He is the central figure of the book of jonah, in which he is called upon by god to travel to nineveh and warn its residents of impending divine wrath. All we say for sure is that god had a purpose beyond human understanding. The opening chapter of jonah is set in the midst of an intense storm, a really intense storm. The book of jonah is a missionary book, teaching that the love of. Lets examine a few lessons from this old testament prophet.

Jesus declared that the men of nineveh repented at the preaching of jonah mt. Like jonah, we are often more concerned with our own comfort than with loving god and our neighbors as we should. He wanted jonah to go to the city of nineveh to preach a message of salvation and forgiveness. After 12years of fulltime pulpit ministry and having won a preaching award the prior year at the capital bible seminary, i thought i knew. If what we read in the book of jonah is not sufficient to convince us that this was a genuine repentance, we do have the words of jesus to confirm it. The way we fully understand ourselves is to compare our selfinterest with gods sacrificial love. The story is presented much like that of elijah and elisha.

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